Tuesday, 5 May 2009

The lolicon outrage!

"I" the writer was disturb by a "Japanese-wanna-be" freak! As
"I" the writer was so diligently doing my designing, my "Facebook"
massage popped up. It was a chat calling from gunblade99. He sent
me a link that ruin my concentration form the whole afternoon!

The article was about A lolicon (pedophile) stalker has been arrested
after following a 9-year-old girl home, breaking into her house, &
committing indecent acts upon her. As "I" the writer read on...

The man, a 26-year-old unemployed Osaka resident, began following
the girl, an elementary schooler, on her way home from school one

Once the girl arrived home, where she was alone as her father was
still at work, she found she had attracted an unwelcome companion.

He proceeded to proposition the girl, asking her "Let’s play together!",
but in his own words excused himself: "Before I knew what I was doing,
I had started doing it to her…"

The girl apparently escaped any more serious indignity than being groped
by the stalker.
"I" the writer was outrage by this act! This lolicon just wreaked this little girl's
but then again, "I" the writer went deeper into this topic.

If you have seen anime, some of the series shows these animated little girls
showing off their inner garments or even in sexual acts. Why? why? do you
wanna see these innocent little kids do or show stuff like that? does it turn
you on? Are kids the main "in" thing to get turned on in the world today? Even
in our own country, we see kids getting raped. What has the kid done to deserve
that kind of treatment? It's a puzzle waiting to be solved.

Japan said that they will rule the world, "I" the writer thinks that they are
almost there. Not by war but by their lifestyle, tech & anime. Don't you think
so? Now even porn is using so called adults to act as kids just to get the
guy "high".

The clip below is from a Japanese variety show, The girl is Sayumi Michishige,
1 of the members of Morning Musume. In this show she is trying to turn on a
guy by doing "kawaii" (cute) stuff.
Michishige-chan, don't turn into a porn star
ok ;)
"I" the writer likes cute stuff & girls, does that mean that "I" the writer has
been bitten by the lolicon bug? DAMMIT!

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