Wednesday, 9 July 2008

Updates baby! Yeah!.....ahhhhhh...uuuuhhhh

Hello to all my dear and wonderful readers. Its been awhile hasn't it, "I" the writer have been
on a break and wasting off my money on stuff. An unforgettable shopping spree so to speak
but enough about little old me. Lets get on to the Updates! collected info "I" the writer has
collected over the weeks and it did make my hands tremble when I came upon these wonderful
yet mindless but entertaining information. No more talking I know, You being the smart "net" user
would just scroll down and see all the "pretty pictures". So if I tell you that your gay or some idiot
with no life you wouldn't even notice right? Well in the human mind, pretty pictures beat poetic
words. NUFF SAID!

Well as this is my page and I'm gonna do what ever the hell I want with it, "I" the writer have
the desire to flood this page today with toys as "I" the writer normally do.

1) Dragon Ball and Haruhi latest HG. You may love it or hate but the Dragon Ball series is
still strong. Even after 10 years of ending, it still one of the strongest running franchise ever
in the world or anime.

2) Full Metal Alchemist & The all so "Incredible" Hulk. As the saying goes, with more details on
the figure there also must come more money out of your wallet.

3) Girls girls girls. Cant live with them, cant live without them.

4) Welcome true believer, Marvel has done it again....Toys galore!

Movies : Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen
15 images from concept artist Tim Flattery have appeared online. Initial reports indicated
this might be our first look at the upcoming Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen sequel, but
based on the date of the art it is more likely that these are just some concept pieces from the
first Transformers movie which came out last year.

quote of the day -
I will not touch the white man's poison; his drugs, his liquor, his swine, his women.
-Malcolm X- Malcolm X

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