what is the most horrible stuff to find in a dude's room?
Here's the verdict:.
1. Moe anime goods or DVDs

2. Idol posters
3. Nekomimi/usamimi (cat or rabbit-eared characters)

4. Lacy or florally patterned decorations

5. Sewing/knitting kit

6. Dolls (western or Japanese)

7. Framed photos of himself

8. Women’s magazines

9. Children’s anime goods or DVDs

10. Big stuffed toys

So, in conclusion if you "dare" to own any of the items above, your "man'ly'ness"
will drop to the point of zero! & its advised that you throw them away! "I" guess
keeping "porn stuff" in your room is OK?
But! "I" the writer has a framed photo of me mum & granny in my room, is that
consider un'man'ly as well?
haha.. luckily i dont have any of those in my room =P
I am a man!!! I don't have those muahahahahahaha!!!
LOL!!!! Barbie doll is 100% girly O.O
Ken & Kel:. Good on ya dudes!
Vicky:. Bet u dont have those huh ;)
oh my, that so girly. Many men likes anime. I find that disturbing, many prefer to watch anime than to find real gf?? hahaha
Simple, cause their gf suck ;) Thats why they turn to a more fantasy based chick ;)
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