have any connection or even fall head over heals with an Anime/2D girl. This
is considered the biggest "taboo" in their ever-lasting relationship. These girls
would rather date a guy having an affair with a "real" chick or even "doing it"
with a prostitute.
Some of these girls were interviewed:.
"If my boyfriend fell for a 2D girl it would be absolutely gross."
"If he went with 2D I’d really feel there’s a problem with me, as a real woman."
"I’d be totally shocked. I think I’d think the problem was with me and I was
lacking something. It’s just like a man with a girlfriend pursuing a fake romance
with a hostess or going with a prostitute, isn’t it?"
"If he is going to fall for someone else, at least make it an idol. You just can’t
compete against a 2D character."
DAMMN! How the world of Anime has its side effects, even on a person's relationship.
Looks like these girls have a new rival & the rival aint no sexy AV star or gorgeous
actress but! A "freaking" kawaii 2D character of fiction.
Well, when will Malaysia reach this level? Other guys will be jumping with joy if this
new relationship rule reaches here. Just imagine, a guy having an affair with a "real"
chick or even "doing it" with a prostitute would be off the hook! How freaking awesome
is that....but then again, Malaysian relationships are mostly made out of 2 timers or even
5 timers, so says "I" the writer!
PLUS! Dragon Ball Kai second ending
"I" cant get this song outta my head! DAMN! Can't wait for the full version.
Guess who sang this!? AKB48, & there "I" thought Morning Musume was a lot of girls
but this group really makes my nose bleed yesterday's coffee!

FIGURES - coming to a store near you!


If a guy fall in love with a cartoon, tat means the real life gf sux big time.
HAHAHA! Maybe you got a point dude
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