This is a post for all my girl readers! & "I" know that small & sweet animals makes
most "girls" go, awwwwww. Enjoy! So says "I" the writer!

quote of the day!
I realized I was going to die. I was never going to learn how to drive; or know
what Katie and my kids would look like; or figure out how "Lost" ends.
-Dave Lizewski- Kick-Ass
the puppy in the 3rd pic is so cute!! >_<
HEHHEE! "I" knew you gals like this kinda stuff ;)
I go "awwwww" in front of cute kittens too XD
Looks liks even guy's heart melts for cute furry stuff huh ;)
Only puppies, i dun like kittens haha
Eh....noted! ;)
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