what me mates updates were. Some were about new relationships, some posted up
funny as hell videos & some updated their "what's on your mind" box, with extreme
quotes, but! "I" stumble upon a friend of mine. He added a face not too familiar to me.

By the power of Darth Vader's nipples! Its Malaysia's very own famous blogger JunJun!
But! How in the blue hell did he manage to get hold of such a powerful adversary? DAMMN!
But then "I" looked closer, Gan Ti Moon? "Huh!?" "I" thought.
Could this be a cover up? Was Jun Jun Riko just a variant name? My curiosity killed the cat
& so "I" further investigated by clicking that name-link...

Presto! It was her, WOW! Again my mind wondered, "Normally Chinese peeps would
give another alias to their name" or "This could be Ms.Riko's twin?"
Then, "I" saw something that tickle me funny bone. Could Ms.Riko really interested in
"Parti Keadilan Rakyat Banting?" Hmm...Something smells funny & its not my body odor!
Went over to Jun Jun's "About the Author" page & found out her real name! You can say
that its way better then Gan Ti Moon, if translated to English, Replace Moon. Weird!
Why would someone want to impersonate another person? That is just inhuman! Are
there that bored with life?
This person even has a Gan Ti Moon photo album:.

"I" even sent an email to Ms.Riko confirming if this was her twin & she replied:.
OMG. LOL!!! I have no idea bout this person. =.=" Using such an old"I" once read that a girl's "camwhore" picture was posted on a porn site! This is a
photo non the less.
kinda dark side of the WWW. Anyone can be a chameleon, stealing others picture
just for the heck of it. In the ultimate truth, they don't know who they are hurting
& problems they are creating.
So girls, with beautiful camwhore pictures, comes great responsibility so says
"I" the writer.
PLUS! MARVEL VS. CAPCOM 3 - Episode 01
Yes! This ain't no typo error, this is just the beginning of a beautiful series of trailers.
FIGURES - coming to a store near you!

Say it with me now, Exclusive!

DAMN! A stage? Is Revoltech making stages now?

lol.. some FB profiles are fake! =P
Marvel vs capcom!!!!!!
You just cant really trust facebooks these days -_-"
eh eh... all the photos in that gan ti moon's album are from a single outing i had in pavilion ler!!! those photos can be taken only from my blog coz some of the photos i din upload to fb. XDXD
Kenwooi:. Yeah, you can say that again ;)
Of Tr@vels, 3nvironment and bl@bl@bl@:. "I" cant wait too...
Theeggyolks:. Bingo! Now, "I" know
The Original JunJun-Riko:. Ya, that person must have taken the photos from ur blog, hope that person doesnt cause any more problem with ur face-identity ;)
Famous ppl do have this trouble~
Yeah...The fate of famous people has its good & bad points
yealo, many ppl mock other ppl and create an account, sighed :/ so twitter got the verified thingy, safer.
WOW! Your up early ;) Yeah, even with the verifier thingy, "I" doubt that its any safer though...
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