his fights, Van Damme cuts his apples for this guy & Jackie Chan calls him Master!
Just who in the blue hell is this guy?
He is a Indian actor! Performing acts that are physically impossible & ankles kicks
that will leave you soaring through the air. Plus! He has "clock up" moves.
FIGURES - coming to a store near you!

Lookie who's back, its that pale looking drug addict with dirty hair!

You don't use words like 'drug addict' to refer to some one skinny - it's politically incorrect, insensitive and ignorant. And the correct term is 'drug user' - just to remind you.
Yes, Ms. Ju....(bows head down)
Lol, the indian superman who can't even raise his legs above his waist XD
& Food is his "Kyiptronite" ;)
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