in a survey, they were asked what traits would they put up with in a man they were
going out with if he was Extremely Hawt! & here's their answers:
1. He has otaku interests
2. He can’t drive
3. His dress sense is lacking something
4. He’s indecisive
5. He’s a narcissist
6. He’s girly
7. He cries a lot
8. His voice is really high pitched
9. He is loose with his time
10. He hardly ever talks or engages in conversation

So, the survey proves that "anime-freaks" still have a chance for a normal-date life.
Looks like Japanese women are willing to put up with an unmanly "gay" man too!?
FIGURES - coming to a store near you!

Yup its in the making, Revotech Iron-Man!

Lol, can a girl put up with a guy's girlyness?
Maybe :) As long as he's HOT!
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