Thursday, 11 December 2008

Updates Again!?

"I" the writer is back folks! this time with an all new movie update list, YES! 2 days in
a row! You Unlimited-Fans must think "I" the writer is free as a bird huh? Well "I" the
writer is just lazy to do "the office" work! With the "Boss" just pissing me off everyday,
why the heck must"I" the writer be so hardworking in doing his work?
"I" the writer
will not be his slave just cause "I" the writer is nice!
And just like Marvel's Dark
Reign, "I" the writer will bring DARK RAIN over his life!
Here are Movies of The Future!


New Pictures!

X-Men ORIGINS : Wolverine
More Pictures!

Dark Reign has just begun!

The Invasion may be over, but the Dark Reign has just begun! As the dust settles and
the heroes recuperate, a new power shall rise from the ashes – its name is Norman
Osborn! Spinning out of Secret Invasion, Norman Osborn has gathered his secret cabal
of villains and now he’s in control!

Capcom's New Cross Over!
Please come to the PS3!


quote of the day -
Darkness warshed over the Dude - darker'n a black steer's tookus on a moonless prairie night.
There was no bottom.

-The Big Lebowski- The Stranger

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